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Ismo Mag, Superman. "Silver back"


Trollingcenter’s custom color available only from us!

Ismo Mag is the best-selling trolling spoon for catching migrating salmon along the Baltic coast! It is hand painted and incredibly popular!  Ismo Mag has a calm, wobbling swimming action, and because of its speed resistance works wonderfully well when windy. The bait has a special ability to make sluggish salmon bite. Works best between 2.3 to 3.1 knots. Weight: 19g. Length: 15 cm.

Trollingcenter tips:

Ismo Magnum is a thin and soft spoon. The thin plate gives the spoon a very good swimming action. One must be aware that when you are fishing with Ismo Magnum spoons that they can be damaged or maybe even destroyed by a large salmon. You should inspect the spoon after each fish to make sure that it is not damaged. The damage is in most cases easy to fix by just bending the spoon back into shape

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  • Model: Ismo Magnum
  • Manufactured by: Gladsax Fiske

Current Reviews: 1

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